
Monoblock for cleaning, drying, capsulation and labeling

This type of monoblock is dedicated to the cleaning and “dressing” of the container.

It integrates the functions of cleaning and external drying, the capsulation and the labeling. It maintains the same characteristics of the single machine, but being in a single structure allows to contain the overall dimensions.

The operating logic remains simple and immediate thanks to functional operator panels and the perfect mechanical and software integration of the various modules.



In AXTRA we designs and develops integrated solutions in an unique structure that has more than two functions: rinsing, filling and capping, capsulation and labelling. Among the peculiarities, we emphasize:

  • maximum reduction of the final dimensions;
  • optimization of components;
  • same operator management procedures
The characteristics of our monoblock bottling machine ensure a significant reduction in purchase and operating costs. Discover all our monoblock bottling machine.

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